Hands down the best way to elevate your handy person game; get in the know of where to send on pre-loved and pre-used hardware tools and supplies. Your random axe of kindness and responsible discarding will add a notch to your do-good tool belt. Nice!
The Bower
Get your functional tools back on someone’s shelf. Donate your hand and e-tools to The Bower and through their House to Home program, they’ll hand over your collection to those most in need within our community so they can hammer, saw, and conquer.
Paintback is an industry-led initiative collecting, treating and disposing of unwanted household paint and packaging responsibly. If you’re a DIY painter get on a roll and drop your kit at one of the 160 locations across Australia.
Nut so fast, before you trash your still useful tools (we’re talking to you upgraders, updaters and the too many toolers), gift them a stimulating second life. Reverse Garbage will take them on, bringing them to good use in their arts and crafts groups and workshops.
The Sydney Library of Things is always on the lookout for all sorts of thingamajigs. Think of it as the ultimate thing-spiration. By donating your clean and trusty tools, you’ll be helping fellow DIYers work through their DIY to-do list with thing-credible ease.